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What is the best diet for me?

Low calorie, low fat, slimming world, weight watchers, slim-fast shakes, 5:2, low carb, keto, paleo, vegan etc. etc. There are so many choices and if you follow them you probably will lose some weight.

Honestly, if you restricted your calories enough but only ate chocolate you would lose weight. Of course, you probably wouldn't feel very well and that diet is certainly not sustainable!

We could look to the science to decide which diet is best. There have been research studies comparing low carbohydrate and low fat diets, standard diets compared to Mediterranean style diets and a variety of others. However, most of these have some serious flaws, which may not be obvious from the headlines that the media produce. For example, when looking at low carb diets they often don't consider where the high fat content is coming from - it really matters whether the fat sources are coming from natural 'good' fats, like avocado and oily fish. Low calorie diets naturally tend to restrict processed and refined carbohydrates, such as cakes, biscuits etc, therefore also making them lower carbohydrate than the standard western diet but this is often not mentioned. This type of research, epidemiological studies, do not tightly control the variables so demonstrate observational links rather than cause and effect. For example, has a vegan diet really benefitted a group of people, or the fact that it is so much more restrictive and therefore reduces consumption of processed and 'fast food' when adhering to this kind of lifestyle?!

Another key aspect of most diets is that many people will regain the weight (plus more) when they come of the diet plan. I am sure everyone knows someone (or is someone) who has lost weight through a slimming club, only to gain it back.

This is not because of a lack of willpower or because the person is cheating on the diet, it is because calorie restriction causes our metabolism to slow down. Once that happens our basal metabolic rate is reduced and we need less calories for basic function. A study of participants from The Biggest Loser TV program showed that even 6 years after weight loss some of them required 700kcals less due to reduced metabolism. This means to maintain their weight loss they must eat a whole meal less per day or run approx 10km. There is no wonder weight gain occurs!

I want to show you that there is another way, that you can work with your body instead of against it. Wouldn't it be great if you could lose weight without feeling constantly hungry, lethargic, cold and irritable? One where you weren't constantly thinking about food and feeling deprived.

In answer to the question, "What is the best diet for me" - I say this.......don't diet!

Find a way of eating that suits your lifestyle, that you enjoy, and that you can easily sustain even on your busiest or stressful days. Be compassionate and patient with yourself, don't feel that you have to give up your favourite foods - this just leads to bigger cravings. Willpower is not enough to overcome the hormones, neurochemicals, and the innate survival strategies that encourage you to seek out energy dense sweet foods and to overeat.

If you're not sure what is the best way for you to eat to prevent or overcome health problems, lose some weight, gain extra energy, or to promote healthy habits for your family, I'm here to help.

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